Thursday, February 21, 2013

2013 - Still together!

Still here, still married, still "doing what we're doing"...

Life is good! William and I still communicate well, still have an active sex life that incorporates both of our desires, still have a solid marriage.  William says he still thinks about self-pleasuring occasionally, but the interest is not nearly as strong as it used to be - and it's much easier to ignore. Perhaps it's because we are able to communicate much more effectively, perhaps it's because what he wants to do is acceptable within the confines of our marriage, perhaps it's because he's satisfied with just the dressing/role-playing and has no interest in taking this any farther, or (LOL) perhaps it's just because we are getting older, but for whatever reason, we are very blessed to continue to grow together in our relationship.

I don't check in very often any more - life has just gotten too busy with our family, work and daily life (and computer problems don't help either.)  I still care, though.  If you need to get in touch with me, just keep trying!  I'll check back in periodically.

Take care everyone!  and God Bless!



  1. Hiyas!

    I was wondering how you and William were doing. I am glad to hear that you have been able to stay the course, as it were. It's good to know you are doing well. It has been indeed a long time. Stay good, I know that the love you and William have for each other is there. <3


  2. What Sarah said....

    Good to know all is well.


  3. Hi. This is Ag_in_doubt --

    We talked a few times years ago when you first launched this blog. I came across it again and am really happy to see that you and William are still together.

    I've found a nice woman in my life, too. : )

    It just goes to show you that AGP isn't the end of the world. All one has to do is learn to put healthy boundaries around it and always make their real partner the top priority.

    Here's to a prosperous future,


    1. Ag_in_doubt - You totally made my day today - I'm so happy for you! Best wishes to you!!! Susanne
